In my free time appart of other things, I enjoy to listen music, read all kind of bookds, watch classic films like The Godfather, Taxi Driver or Scarface, but of all the things that I enjoy, my favourite hobbie is to play the guitar with my friends in our band, with my friends we practice one time for the week for three hours, but personally, I play the guitar very usually, all the days for at least two hours on my own.
I started top lay guitar when I was twnty years old, ten years ago, and the reason why I started to play guitar is because of me and my friends wanted to make a playing room and make a band, to do this we started to buy the instruments like guitars, drums and stuff, at first I wasn’t very good playing the guitar, but with hard practice and work, I began to improve my skills as a guitarrist.
I enjoy this activity because it is an artistic form to express me, and I simply can’t live without music, is a part of my life and playing guitar it’s a part of my personality, it’s one of the things that I do more in my free time and I love it.