Do they exist many things that I would like to make as work, example of it would be it to be a professional musician, but a what I would like really to be an archaeologist, why?, because I like movies of Indiana Jones and the documentaries on archaeological and historical big discoveries. Where one can discover the mysteries of the big civilizations, of the towns natives from all over the world. Because I believe that I would enjoy to be an archaeologist, first because my thirst of knowledge is enormous and because to be part of a great discovery like it was when Heinrich Schliemann found the city of Troya or when Howard Crankcase discovered the tomb of Tutankamon, to think that one can be part of those big events and that the history is engraving my name that it would be also for what I would like to be a great anthropologist, this the reason that one of my biggest passions is the history and with it to know like it was before. The satisfaction that grants an employment as east or any other work type is when one is carried out of being able to make that that to one more he likes it, tolerating the time, the money or any other situation that have this employment, but especially the bonus of making that that to one more he likes to make. The only time that I met a person that was devoted to this personally was when work, and the owner of an architecture office was devoted as hobby, but he had already made some discoveries to the south of Chile, for that reason I believe that when it finishes the university I would like to make this as hobby and because I believe that my career allows to be carried out it.